A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Sound of Freedom

There is a sign located outside of the US Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, South Carolina, that says “The noise you hear is the sound of freedom.” Some people periodically get upset at all the noise the military jets are making and the Marine Corps decided to change their perspective. What some people think as mere noise of inconvenience turns out to be the very thing that keeps the nation protected and healthy. If people would succeed in shutting down the base due to the inconvenience of noise, then our freedom would be destabilized.
Those who hold political correctness as the answer for societal woes do not understand that the arena of ideas and opposing views are the sound of freedom. Silencing those in opposition to one’s views by intimidation and misrepresenting their intent is what will destabilize our culture’s health and productivity.  
What is Political Correctness?

It is a form of tyranny that attempts to silence all voices of opposition to one’s ideas, opinions, and forms of expression. It is the enemy of free speech. It is the brainchild of a selfish power hungry few to protect themselves from values, absolute truth, and being confronted by truth. Political Correctness becomes a weapon to shield them from dissenting opinions that could unravel their agenda. It is an attempt to create a utopian culture that has no restraint and no offense. However, in this pseudo-freedom environment, Political Correctness becomes the dictator who oppresses the freedom of expression. Political Correctness defines what is acceptable and what is not, and if your opinion varies and comes in conflict, then you must become a hypocrite and say what people want to hear but not truly how and what you believe. If I do not have the freedom of expression, then there is no opportunity to have a dissenting voice, thus, Political Correctness is nothing short of being a tyrant. A wolf in sheep’s clothing!

In the words of Ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers, this is a tool of “verbal engineering” to reshape cultures and nations by a select few. It is a blatant attitude of the few towards the masses of setting themselves up as super intellectual and ramming their agendas through without opposition.

The greatest blessing in each nation is the opportunity for dissenting voices to be heard and freely expressed. It provides balance and keeps the arena of ideas flourishing with possibilities. Opposition to our ideas can expose pitfalls in our planning we previously wouldn’t have seen because of personal pride or other factors. We as leaders need to be mature and secure, and welcome all thoughts, opinions, and voices. It is what contributes to the health of a society and a nation.©

Proverbs 11:14 
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. 

- Reuben Egolf  

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