A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Dangerous Leadership

VP Joe Biden recently said that 11 million undocumented aliens are already American citizens. His proof of their citizenship was based upon their desires to make a better life for themselves. Basically, this is the 60s mantra of "if it feels good do it." In other words, what makes something right is whether I have a corresponding feeling. This kind of a viewpoint ignores the foundation and structure that hold a society together and ensure its longevity.

Setting a Dangerous Precedent

If one man can decide that 11 million are American citizens, he can also decide that 11 million citizens he doesn't like aren’t Americans. This is a nation of laws, not men. I don't mean to be extreme but VP Biden is espousing dictatorship.
When a person breaks into a country and circumvents the law, that individual is displaying no respect for the values, ethics, morality, and laws, of that nation. We must understand that the laws of the nation is the skeleton by which the flesh of society hangs on. The core values of a society is reflected by the laws of the land. We have laws against murder because our society values human life. When our vice president suggests that laws can be ignored, he is simultaneously ignoring the values of our society.

I am afraid that the majority of our politicians are selling their country and building their personal coffers by promising everything for nothing. The intoxication of power has inebriated the soul of our leadership, where they feel justified in raping America of all of it's worth in satisfying the selfish heart of greed. In principle, they are becoming similar to the Egyptian taskmasters who brutalized the backs of the Jewish slaves who were doing all the work. Today, the back of the honest taxpayer is being lashed by the ever-increasing burden of taxes to pay and feed laziness, irresponsibility, and frivolous waste by our government.

Work develops appreciation for what is received

Not all, but many of our politicians have never run a business, or ever had a job outside of Washington. You appreciate something a whole lot more when you had to work for it. For example, if you give a 16-year-old a brand-new car, and he did not have to work for it, he will abuse it and probably not take care of it. However, if a young man works and has saved his money and goes and purchases a car, you will see an entirely different approach to how it is taken care of. It seems to me that our politicians are like that 16-year-old getting something for nothing. They are acting like spoiled brats with our tax money instead of mature responsible leadership which values others more than themselves.

I am a firm believer in term limits! I also believe that the founding fathers had originally intended that men would leave their farms and other places of business to go to Washington and serve their nation for a few years. After a while, they were expected to go back home and resume their previous occupations. In other words, politics was not to be a career. What would happen if people who have a strong work ethic, possessing core values, and appreciating others' hard work, would be the ones filling the halls of Congress? AND, having every intention of going back home in a few years.

The apostle Paul told his protégé Timothy that we should pray for our leadership and all that are in authority. Let's take full advantage of this directive given by Paul in 1st Timothy 2:1-2. There is power in prayer – our nation depends on it!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What is Character?


Character is defined by Webster's as:

  • the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves: someone's personality
  • a set of qualities that are shared by many people in a group, country, etc.
  • a set of qualities that make a place or thing different from other places or things

Character is the sum total of our values which are established by our priorities, convictions, beliefs, and our habitual disciplines. The strength of these characteristics is what defines our integrity. Ultimately, the level of my integrity is determined by my words and actions being consistent.

Character along with its integrity cannot expect any kind of success without self-discipline. This necessary ingredient of self-discipline involves me setting priorities that ultimately determine my choices and then directs my behavior. Character is formed and shaped by our personal submission to these principles. In other words, we should be the same person behind closed doors as we are in public.

Why is character so important?

The higher you go in the atmosphere the greater the pressure. If a person goes up too fast they will collapse because the pressure on the outside is greater than what the inside can handle. The higher a person goes in position, the more responsibility will be required of them. If a person's character does not match the pressure on the outside, they will eventually collapse under the weight of something bigger than their character can sustain. In leadership we call this the “shooting star” syndrome. A person is gifted and they soar to the top overnight, however, their character has not been built to sustain them in that position. Charisma can get you in the room but make no mistake about it – your character will determine how long you stay! This is why the following verse was penned.

1 Timothy 3:6 (KJV) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

God has no problem with a person being promoted. He simply wants to be the one to do it.

James 4:10 (KJV)  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

In God’s Kingdom, when you lose or violate your character you forfeit the right to use the gift God gave you. Notice I said the “right” to use it. That doesn’t mean I can’t use it, but if I do use it in that condition, I will promote myself instead of the Kingdom of God. A deteriorated character will prostitute the gifts to be self-serving instead of benefitting others. Ministers have to be careful of the temptation of seeing people as serving them instead of serving the people.

This brings us to the conclusion that character is more important than intellectual prowess, gifts, orator skills, positions, and money. Character will protect the ministry, influence,  a person’s life, reputation, and eventually the legacy that is left behind.

Protect your character and your character will protect you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Maturity is a Vine depending on the Root of Character

Maturity is taking responsibility and accepting consequences without excuses.

A radio news series about honesty in America talked about excuses. The commentator said that people use three types of excuses when guilty of wrongdoing. The first is outright denial a rejection of any involvement. Sometimes this is done even though the person is obviously guilty. The second is the "It's not my fault" excuse. The person looks around for someone he can blame. (Often it is a loved one - a husband or wife or parent. Sometimes it's the boss.) A third form of excuse is the "I did it, but...." approach. In this instance the person blames circumstances for his shortcoming. Either he's been struggling with some illness or the assignment wasn't clear or the car's been giving him trouble.[1] 

Maturity does not happen without humility. Pride refuses to accept a negative consequence as its responsibility because of fear of what others may think. Humility will accept the responsibility and immediate pain of public opinion so it can learn not to repeat it again. It does not sacrifice growth to preserve temporary opinion. Interestingly enough, irresponsible people tend to make the same mistakes over and over because pride is stunting the growth that would be produced by correction. Maturity will never be achieved in anyone’s life without correction being received.

Genesis 3:9-13 (KJV)
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.

It appears that not only was sin passed onto the human race but so was the art of excuse making. In verses 14-19 we read that God holds people accountable for their actions. We could define maturity in this way “it is when a person holds themselves accountable for their actions.”

In Luke 15 we have the famous story of the prodigal son. His actions at the beginning of the story are the signs of immaturity. Wanting immediate possessions before the time and then spending wildly without restraint ignoring the future consequences of such action. However, when returning to his father he displays an undeniable growth when he accepts full responsibility for his actions and blames no one else for them.

We have all heard at least one or all of the following excuses for not going to church. Too many hypocrites there - don’t like the songs - preaches too long - seats too hard. The list is endless but maturity will be evidenced by being able to put-up with things that are mere inconveniences. It is able to differentiate between a problem and inconvenience. Robert Fulghum quotes Sigmund Wollman, a German Jew, in his book Uh-Oh, If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire—then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer… a lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat, and a lump in the breast are not the same lump. One should learn the difference.”

Adolescence has a trait of classing all inconveniences as problems which need solved or fixed and it may not be the case. When we do that, seeing inconveniences as problems, we begin to overwhelm ourselves with things that really don't matter.  

Maturity is the proof of a developed character. Deficiency in character will leave a deficit in one's maturing process. Never forget, that our attitudes, what motivates us, our outlook on life, always corresponds to our character. Since character is the root system for the vine of maturity, then the formation of character is the initial priority of life to ensure the fruit of maturity to ripen.

Maybe the next blog, we can talk about the all-important subject of character.

[1] Source Unknown.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Character - We Need it!

I remember in the days leading up to President Clinton's second run for office that one of the leading slogans was "character doesn't matter." The reason for the saying was that the private infidelities and character deficiencies had no influence or bearing on his leadership capabilities. I remember hearing this repeated over and over and thinking to myself how ridiculous it is to divorce the two. Character is who you are in private and influences your public behavior and decisions. The most dangerous leader is one who has power without principle. Without character, he will abuse the trust of the people. Leadership without character will depend upon their position to make them feel important. Unfortunately, to fill the void of insecurity, they will exploit people and use them in serving their selfish interests making it all about them. A leader who is secure in God, will be interested in other people's future and well-being than themselves gaining riches or becoming famous.

What is character?

A dictionary defines character as a complex of mental and ethical traits and those traits, or qualities, are built into an individual's life. It is those character qualities, character traits, which determine a person's response in any given situation.

Character and integrity are very close and their association. Integrity has to do with the strength of an individual. When we speak of a building, the integrity of the building is its ability to stand. After an earthquake, a building may have caution tape placed around it so no one enters because its integrity has been compromised. It no longer can be trusted because of its weakened condition.

Habitual submission to godly principles forms the character of a person and strengthens the integrity of their heart. Regardless of the shaking in circumstances that a person may face, they refuse to compromise and weaken the integrity of their soul.

Compromise is the number-one  enemy of character. It has been said that compromise is the welcome mat to deception. It is worth noting that no one can destroy our character, unless we allow or permit them to do it. You have heard people say such things as “Billy Bob sure did destroy that church over there.” The fact is, no one has the ability to destroy the church, unless they allow them to. This is true individually as well as a corporate setting as a church. The only way that my character can be ruined is if that first I compromise my values. If I value truth, then I will not lie. If a person tells me a lie about someone else, the only way, the lie continues is if I compromise my value of the truth and perpetuate the lie onward. However, if I maintain my values, the lie goes no further, and my integrity remains.

Maintaining character and integrity does require effort. It is not for the lazy, apathetic, lethargic, and those wanting everything done for them. Being responsible is a must! Never forget the words of Solomon when he said that a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.

Why is character so important? 

It creates honor in other people. When people honor you, they give you access to their heart to influence them. If we are going to be a force in the world today we must maintain our character, strengthen our integrity, and keep open the channel of influence to the world around us.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Dictator called Political Correctness!

What is Political Correctness?

It is a form of tyranny that attempts to silence all voices of opposition to one's ideas, opinions, and forms of expression. It is the enemy of free speech. It is a selfish generation's brainchild to protect themselves from values, absolute truth, and being confronted by truth. Once their conscience no longer has to deal with hearing the truth, the restraints are lessened and gives room for their rebellion to grow. It is an attempt to create a utopian culture that has no restraint and no offense. However, in this pseudo-freedom environment, Political Correctness becomes the dictator who oppresses the freedom of expression. Political Correctness defines what is acceptable and what is not, and if your opinion varies and comes in conflict, then you must become a hypocrite and say what people want to hear but not truly how and what you believe. If I do not have the freedom of expression, then there is no opportunity to have a dissenting voice, thus, Political Correctness is nothing short of being a tyrant. A wolf in sheep's clothing!

When children grow up in an offense-free  environment, they will be under developed. We develop by facing resistance. When people say or do things that are in disagreement with ourselves, we learn how to deal with opposition, inconveniences, and hardships. If I never learned to deal with these things as I am growing up, as an adult, I will be a weak immature individual who will demand everything to suit my liking and will not put up with anything that opposes. I will set out to demonize everyone who upsets my comfort zone.

Political Correctness is not the origin it is the outgrowth of selfishness. The more selfish a society becomes, the more it will ensure the protection of self by imposing unwritten regulations to produce its own growth.

Freedom of speech, which is the antithesis of Political Correctness, gives me the right to offend. It certainly doesn't mean that a same person goes around intentionally offending people, but it does mean that if the offense happens, then the offendee must deal with it. What needs to happen in America is that simply we need to Grow Up! Every rose has thorns, every valley has mountains, and everyone's life has inconveniences that have to be dealt with. Our skin needs to be tougher, our values must deepen, and our convictions branded on our hearts.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thank goodness for clothing!!

Luke 24:49 (KJV)
49  And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

The word "endued" means to "clothe." Why do we wear clothes? To cover our nakedness which if left uncovered will produce shame. We put clothes on before we leave the house so we are not embarrassed. Spiritually, the same principle is applicable. If I am not clothed in God righteousness then my nakedness of sin will bring shame to my life. If I am not clothed with God's power then I will be embarrassed by not being able to produce what I profess to have. This is why Jesus emphatically told the disciples to not leave Jerusalem  before being dressed in power.  Because if they left with out their clothing of power, they would be embarrassed by their naked powerlessness.

What would have happened if...?

 Acts 3:1-7 (KJV)
1  Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.
2  And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;
3  Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.
4  And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.
5  And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
6  Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
7  And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength

What would have happened if Peter and John did not wait until they were clothed with God's power? They would have said the same things but the results would have been different. Peter would have been embarrassed and brought to shame because of leading people to believe he possessed something he didn't actually have.  Probably, they would have then changed their theological approach by saying "well, it may not have been God's will to heal you."

Unfortunately, I am afraid this is what is happening today. We have changed God's Word, and are doing what Adam and Eve did in the natural - covering our own nakedness without using God's clothing. We are clothing our powerlessness with a warped belief system that states if God wants to deliver a person - well, he may or may not - we have no way of knowing. All we do is throw up a prayer and hope for the best so-to-speak. Yet, these biblical men who were clothed in the power of God did not throw up a prayer and hope for the best but they gave a command in the name or authority of Jesus Christ and something happened. Wow!

Let us not remain as a nudist colony of believers huddled in shame and being the laughing stock of the world. Once more, rise up and go to the altar and wait till the garment of power wraps around us again. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The remaining three that build integrity.

Here are five things that build integrity:

·        Consistent obedience to known biblical truth

·        Making my private life consistent with my public life

·        Making a practice of being faithful in little

·        Daily looking in the mirror and taking personal responsibility for failures

·        Being humble and learning from mistakes


Here are the remaining three. 


Making a practice of being faithful in little


Luke 16:10 (KJV) He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. [11] If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? [12] And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?

Integrity doesn’t magically appear the moment someone makes it big but rather it is painstakingly built in the halls of obscurity in one’s life. If I value my reputation enough to act honestly with another person’s dollar, then when I am entrusted with their $100.00 then my integrity will maintain the same responsibility. We have all heard “practice makes perfect.” The more we practice the more we develop. The stronger we develop ourselves in the small things the stronger we become in resisting the temptations that increase in the big things. In other words, my strength of character must increase to withstand the growing intensity of temptation that assails increased responsibility. 


Daily looking in the mirror and taking personal responsibility for failures


Many times people will create their own misery and then blame everyone else. It’s like creating your own storm and complaining because it rains. When a person matures it means they are accepting responsibility. Excuses are shields put up to deflect personal responsibility. As long as I blame everyone else for my failures, there will be no opportunity for me to change. Maturity requires change and correction is the means to facilitate it. The moment I take responsibility for my behavior is the moment my life begins to change.

Being humble and learning from mistakes


Acknowledging that I made a mistake is the first step but then I need to learn from it. Humility realizes its own imperfection and inability. In other words, humility is taking a sane view of oneself while pride is taking an insane view of oneself. Pride exaggerates the person’s ability and focuses on self-dependence but humility realizes its own inefficiency and focuses on God for continued dependence.  Whatever I focus on for strength becomes my source. When self is the focus then my strength becomes finite and very limited in dealing with the issues of life. However, when I focus on Christ as my source then my strength become infinite and unlimited. God can correct us through an inner witness, a person, His Word, and circumstances, to name a few. Being humble means I yield to the correction and permit his hand to form and stretch me into being more like Jesus.