A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Friday, October 2, 2015

The National Antidote is Strong Healthy Families

The tragic loss of life, and the many injured at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, fills us with sympathy for the families of the deceased who were actually martyrs for their faith. According to eye-witness accounts the perpetrator demanded to know their religious affiliation. If they answered “Christian” they were gunned down within seconds. 

Immediately, some politicians seized the moment as political opportunists to prostitute a tragedy to empower their political agenda. The reactionary cry of “stricter gun laws” and the berating of law-abiding citizens who like their freedom became the talking points of the day. People need leadership to speak comfort, healing, and express condolences in that moment of heartache. Leadership should know the importance of timing and tact. They also should exercise patience and demonstrate a level headedness and be the anchor in these moments of national pain. 

Some say we need to have more gun laws, and this will end the violence. Yet, the same principle of thought is used with drug laws, and yet drug use is as rampant today as it’s ever been. The other side says to legalize drugs, and usage goes down. Using that principle, if we want murder to go down we should legalize it. 

Then what is the root problem and what would really work? 

We deal with the externals and forget the underlying issues no one wants to talk about. Things like the breakup of the family, absent fathers, and the lack of morals and ethics. Instead of lampooning the family structure we should teach through instruction and example which is the necessity of this bedrock of civilization. Society reaps what it sows. When the family falls into dysfunction and disarray then disorder and confusion will be reaped. Mothers and fathers were commanded by God to train and educate their children in the things of God. That simultaneously means they will be disciplined to look through the eyes of God in valuing and having respect for their fellow man. 

The family is the place where children first receive training in conversation, general knowledge, understanding of God, respect for the rights of others, and their social responsibilities. In the home, it is the family that cultivates and nurtures lessons in obedience, patience, self-sacrifice, self-control, and responsibility. By sharing the pains of life together, they will learn and experience compassion, gratitude, and faithfulness. It is in the family that the incontrovertible value of each human life is realized and respected. 

When the home is in order the society will come into order because society is made up of families. Society reflects the family’s condition. Leave it to Beaver is a lot different than Will and Grace and Modern Family. Not to mention the movies from then and now and the hundredfold increase in violence and its graphic depiction. Seemingly, the more gore the more the lure it seems in attracting the audience. 

The promotion of strong, wholesome families is the best antidote and cure to the increasingly violent and selfish nature of our modern culture. It will not be transformed by plunging ourselves into more selfishness and being accepting to every immoral suggestion. It will be transformed by citizens who have been created and nurtured in a God-structured home. Parents need to recommit themselves immediately to the responsibilities of marriage and parenting. It takes time, sacrifice, and love in the form of action to strengthen this institution so utterly vital to the survival of a nation. 

Let’s pray for America and then let us contribute our part in making it strong again.

- Reuben Egolf

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