A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Political Correctness is Silencing the Voice of Conviction

Another soon to be released Editorial below. 

Political correctness is silencing the voice of conviction. If I am afraid of voicing my personal convictions, then I allow someone else to program my speech whether I believe it or not. Look at our politicians, for example; when asked questions it often appears they can’t answer out of their own convictions, but it is like someone presses a button for a prerecorded message. I just wish they would say what they mean and mean what they say! I have more respect for someone who speaks what they really believe than someone who speaks what they think I want to hear.  I am convinced that political correctness is a form of dictatorship. If we are afraid of offending people, we become nothing more than government-controlled robots. We will be instructed what to say and when to speak. Political correctness becomes more of a mind control and the muting of voices of opposition. This is a subtle way of silencing free speech. The mainstream media is constantly bombarding us with subliminal messages about what we should believe and what “appropriate speech” we should be using. Many unknowingly just fall in line with this unwritten speech code while the country is being hijacked and reshaped before their very eyes. People also need to toughen up. We are becoming a wimpy society that wears their feelings on their sleeves. As soon as somebody says something offensive our world almost crumbles, and we whine like small children needing to be burped. In the words of my mother when I was growing up, “grow up and get over it!”  

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