A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The Voice Within" excerpt

This is an excerpt taken out of the new book "The Voice Within"
It will be published soon - at editing now. Do remember while reading this - it is the unedited version :)

We don’t just wake up one day and the marriage is over. We don’t just wake up one day and the kids are a mess. We don’t just wake up one day and we are in deep poverty. It started somewhere! The first time we sensed something wasn’t right; what was our response? Did we ignore it or did we confront it? Ignoring it softens the voice of conscience for the next time. Reacting to it will strengthen its voice for the next time. Spiritual sensitivity is vital for our survival! Satan’s strategy is to desensitize the spiritual senses with a bombardment of imagery that after awhile, it doesn’t affect you. After awhile of ignoring the Spirit’s quickening, self is desensitizing that area so no feeling any longer exists there. If a person ignores or overrides this inner witness continually, there will come a time in their life when the capability to hear God’s voice becomes nearly impossible. Loss of Godly influence and direction of life becomes lost and the person is then left to rely only on themselves as a source of guidance. Of course, this opens them up to the influences of ungodly spirits and a life of defeat and frustration will soon be the norm. Conversely, immediate obedience maintains the health of spiritual sensitivity and even permits deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit to take place. Make no mistake about it, the health of our spiritual lives as well as our eternal destiny is dependent on the condition of our conscience.

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