A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Protect Your Character and Your Character will Protect You!

Character is defined by Webster's as:
  • the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves: someones personality
  • a set of qualities that are shared by many people in a group, country, etc.
  • a set of qualities that make a place or thing different from other places or things

Character is the sum total of our values which are established by our priorities, convictions, beliefs, and our habitual disciplines. The strength of these characteristics is what defines our integrity. Ultimately, the level of my integrity is determined by my words and actions being consistent.

Character along with its integrity cannot expect any kind of success without self-discipline. This necessary ingredient of self-discipline involves me setting priorities that ultimately determine my choices and then directs my behavior. Character is formed and shaped by our personal submission to these principles. In other words, we should be the same person behind closed doors as we are in public.

Why is character so important?

The higher you go in the atmosphere the greater the pressure. If a person goes up too fast, they will collapse because the pressure on the outside is greater than what the inside can handle. The higher a person goes in position, the more responsibility will be required of them. If a person's character does not match the pressure on the outside, they will eventually collapse under the weight of something bigger than their character can sustain. In leadership we call this the “shooting star” syndrome. A person is gifted and they soar to the top overnight, however, their character has not been built to sustain them in that position. Charisma can get you in the room but make no mistake about it – your character will determine how long you stay! This is why the following verse was penned.

1 Timothy 3:6 (KJV) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

God has no problem with a person being promoted. He simply wants to be the one to do it.

James 4:10 (KJV)  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

In God’s Kingdom, when you lose or violate your character you forfeit the right to use the gift God gave you. Notice I said the “right” to use it. That doesn’t mean I can’t use it, but if I do use it in that condition, I will promote myself instead of the Kingdom of God. A deteriorated character will prostitute the gifts to be self-serving instead of benefiting others. Ministers and leadership have to be careful of the temptation of seeing people as serving them instead of serving the people.

This brings us to the conclusion that character is more important than intellectual prowess, gifts, orator skills, positions, and money. Character will protect the ministry, influence,  a person’s life, reputation, and eventually the legacy that is left behind. Not only does character protect me, but it shields others around me.

Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. 

Protect your character and your character will protect you!

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