A spiritual revolution

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Dangerous Leadership

VP Joe Biden recently said that 11 million undocumented aliens are already American citizens. His proof of their citizenship was based upon their desires to make a better life for themselves. Basically, this is the 60s mantra of "if it feels good do it." In other words, what makes something right is whether I have a corresponding feeling. This kind of a viewpoint ignores the foundation and structure that hold a society together and ensure its longevity.

Setting a Dangerous Precedent

If one man can decide that 11 million are American citizens, he can also decide that 11 million citizens he doesn't like aren’t Americans. This is a nation of laws, not men. I don't mean to be extreme but VP Biden is espousing dictatorship.
When a person breaks into a country and circumvents the law, that individual is displaying no respect for the values, ethics, morality, and laws, of that nation. We must understand that the laws of the nation is the skeleton by which the flesh of society hangs on. The core values of a society is reflected by the laws of the land. We have laws against murder because our society values human life. When our vice president suggests that laws can be ignored, he is simultaneously ignoring the values of our society.

I am afraid that the majority of our politicians are selling their country and building their personal coffers by promising everything for nothing. The intoxication of power has inebriated the soul of our leadership, where they feel justified in raping America of all of it's worth in satisfying the selfish heart of greed. In principle, they are becoming similar to the Egyptian taskmasters who brutalized the backs of the Jewish slaves who were doing all the work. Today, the back of the honest taxpayer is being lashed by the ever-increasing burden of taxes to pay and feed laziness, irresponsibility, and frivolous waste by our government.

Work develops appreciation for what is received

Not all, but many of our politicians have never run a business, or ever had a job outside of Washington. You appreciate something a whole lot more when you had to work for it. For example, if you give a 16-year-old a brand-new car, and he did not have to work for it, he will abuse it and probably not take care of it. However, if a young man works and has saved his money and goes and purchases a car, you will see an entirely different approach to how it is taken care of. It seems to me that our politicians are like that 16-year-old getting something for nothing. They are acting like spoiled brats with our tax money instead of mature responsible leadership which values others more than themselves.

I am a firm believer in term limits! I also believe that the founding fathers had originally intended that men would leave their farms and other places of business to go to Washington and serve their nation for a few years. After a while, they were expected to go back home and resume their previous occupations. In other words, politics was not to be a career. What would happen if people who have a strong work ethic, possessing core values, and appreciating others' hard work, would be the ones filling the halls of Congress? AND, having every intention of going back home in a few years.

The apostle Paul told his protégé Timothy that we should pray for our leadership and all that are in authority. Let's take full advantage of this directive given by Paul in 1st Timothy 2:1-2. There is power in prayer – our nation depends on it!

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