A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Monday, August 19, 2013

We Have Standards!

We Have Standards

In the political arena today, we have a tendency to base decisions on emotions instead of the rule of law. Seemingly, our politicians are sacrificing the law at the expense of supposed popularity. They are forgetting that the law is a set of standards to be upheld to insure success. Many are parading the stories of children or spouses who are residing here illegally and are now being readied to be deported who want to remain with their parents or spouses who are legal citizens. The crying during the interviews plays on the human heart and the politicians exclaim “this is inhumane and these families deserve to remain intact!” Then when a person stands up and states the fact that there are standards to be met before legal entry; that person is labeled as a hater of people of another national origin. No, it is a person who isn’t afraid to tell the truth! We have standards that are set by the rule of law. It takes people who are not afraid to stand up and tell the truth regardless of how they may be perceived. When a politician sells his soul for popularity and the truth to the highest bidder; that my friends is a dangerous man! Here is an example: the judges on American Idol will tell the performer “that was not good enough to make it on the show.” The person sulks back to their family, and the family exclaims “that’s not right; they have a beautiful voice, and they’re a nice person and Mr. Cowell is just mean!” No, he is not meant; the fact is, that the show has standards, and they must be met. Of course, all of this seems so easy to understand and even falls under the category of common sense. However, the beltway seems to have cinched itself too tight around the mind of many of our politicians and has cut off the flow of common sense to the brain, and somehow severed their backbone. 

Let’s shift gears to the spiritual. The same phenomenon has entered into the church by our leadership. The standards are being sacrificed for increased popularity and membership. Things are now said, “they’re a nice person, and you know they love the Lord.” However, his or her lifestyle is contrary to the standard of living prescribed by the Bible. Pastors are afraid to stand up for the truth and therefore, a lot of illegals are infiltrating the church. Now their culture is being implemented in the house of God, and it is changing the standard of God’s Kingdom. The standard of God is to produce and maintain the culture within the church. Our nation is being changed by not upholding its laws, and the same is happening in the church. The pastors of America have to go back and fall in love with the truth again instead of themselves! Just because a pastor tells a person they are wrong doesn't mean he hates them, but rather he has chosen to uphold the standard of God over their feelings and opinions. It's not the pastor's fault - the person simply needs to meet the standard and as a result will enjoy the benefits that standard will produce in them. Truth is not relative. Truth is based on the Word of God not on emotion or feelings. Sometimes the truth hurts because it has found rebellion in the heart. If truth was based on my feelings, then there would be no anchor to hold onto because it would be shifting continuously. Thank God for the Truth that never changes!!!

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