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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Responding Biblically

A Christian Response to Homosexuality

God created humans male and female, not male and male or female and female. Thus, homosexuality is a perversion of the divine order.

God describes the woman as a suitable helper for man (. God did not create two men, the second to be the companion for the first. Rather, He created a female from the man and for the man.

The natural way is for a man to lie with a female in the context of marriage. This honors God, and it is what He ordained from the beginning, because she was made for man. She is of flesh like he is of human flesh, being fashioned by God from Adam's rib to be his companion. God's design for marriage flows directly out of His creation of the man and the woman. Woman was made from the man and for the man as the only suitable companion for the man.

In his heart he is darkened (Romans 1:21) as he becomes a fool in his thinking (1:22). He worships the creation rather than the creator (1:23), and becoming increasingly perverted in his desires and thinking, he exchanges the natural function for that which is unnatural, living out "degrading passions." by going against the divine natural order and doing that which is unnatural and indecent. Both receive the due penalty for their sins, which could mean any number of things, likely disease, dissatisfaction, and destruction. As one refuses to acknowledge God as God and submit to His commands, there is a slide into sin and darkness. Things can get so dark that even the foundational order from the beginning of time of male with female gets perverted. The reality is that man is so perfectly made for woman, and they so wonderfully fit together, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, that even this should be reason to acknowledge God and His goodness and creative genius. It got so bad in Sodom that the men of the city, both young and old, tried to pound the door down of Lot's house to sleep with the angels, who appeared as men and who had visited him. The homosexual lust of Sodom was running rampant and out of control, and God destroyed the city the next day. The message is clear that God views homosexuality as a grave offense against His holiness. In case there is any doubt of God's stance on the matter.

God sent Christ to redeem all sinners.

Christians must be very careful to hate the sin but love the sinner. God sent Christ for those who are a part of this sinful lifestyle, and they, too, can be forgiven should they repent. But the key is that they must repent, and  therefore one of the ways in which we love the sinner is by declaring that homosexuality is indeed a sin. In fact, considering the prospects of heaven versus hell, declaring the truth of the gospel is the most loving thing we could possibly do.

Courtesy of http://www.studylight.org/pas/sbi/search.cgi?l=a

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