A spiritual revolution

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Commitment Pease

Jeremiah 34:18 (KJV) 
18 And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, which have not performed the words of the covenant which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof

[cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof] This was a very ancient method of making a covenant. The two contracting parties slaughtered an animal, cut the body into two parts, and passed between them. The idea was that if one of the parties broke the covenant the same fate awaited him, that of being cut into two pieces like the calf. - Dake's Annotated Reference Bible.

To walk between its pieces to signify their commitment to the bargain. By walking through the parts of the animal they were symbolizing the judgment that should befall them if they violated the agreement. - The Bible Knowledge Commentary.

An animal would be split in two and the parties would stand in the
midst of the split animal, thus representing as the animal gave up its life, so too, will I give up my life to maintain this covenant.  In a mutual; covenant both parties would then cut their own wrists, raise their hands into the air and clasp hands while pointing to heaven making God their witness to this agreement. The intermingling of the blood signified the joining of a blood relationship.  They would then often cauterize the wound with a hot branding iron to inflict a noticeable scar which would act as a perpetual reminder.

Our wedding rings instead of a scar produce a reminder of the covenant we make in marriage. Covenant today is not understood in our culture. Marriage is too often looked at as an agreement of togetherness similar to a business deal. If the deal goes sour, we make no effort to become self sacrificing, we just move onto the next relationship that will forward our own agenda and inoculate our feelings. If this selfish trend continues, marriage as the Bible presents it will become a rare commodity. Through the arrogance of superior ideals, America will begin to believe culturally that marriage (as the Bible speaks of it) as something inferior. The elitists will smile with a smug expression, feeling sorry for people who are trapped in the inferior state of marriage.    

I hear phrases today like "I am going to try marriage." Or how about this one "we are living together first to see if it is going to work." We try on shoes - we commit to marriage! We need a revival of commitment in the human heart again.

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