A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Who Will Define Sexual Morality

People will say that it is none of our business what two people do behind closed doors when arguing for the right of same-sex marriage. The argument continues that it has no bearing on heterosexual marital unions, and that it is a right, just like the plight of racial equality. We must understand that there is an enormous difference between race and sexual preference. There is no way to bring about a moral equivalence between the two. We no longer divide people by the color of their skin by putting placards over the doors of restrooms “black restroom” and “white restroom” based on the fact that there is no difference. However, we do separate the sexes in sporting events, bathrooms, clothing departments, and the list goes on. We make this discrimination based upon the fact that the male and female sexes are different, and these differences warrant different treatment when it comes to clothing, restrooms, and sporting events. This argument is making a comparison between apples and oranges.

There is a problem that bothers me more than the arguments being made for or against these unions, and it is the government redefining the bedrock of society. If marriage is being redefined by our lawmakers that will now include the covenant of two people of the same sex, then what will stop them by eventually redefining it to include 3 or 4 people as marriage, or make marriage a renewable contract on a yearly basis? Once we remove these standards, then who are the people who make the new ones? The bible was our compass and standard bearer. Once we remove God and his standards of behavior, we then take it upon ourselves to redefine the order of conduct we will live by. In other words, who will replace God in setting society’s order for our future? Just things we need to think about!

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