A spiritual revolution

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Curious Logic

Below is the article written and published in the local newspapers and sent to the Washington Post. 

Upon hearing of the horrific shooting at the Sikh Temple we were asked by our President to do some serious soul searching concerning gun violence. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data, 2011, 28 people die daily in America as a result of drunk driving. I was wondering why politicians do not come out and say that we need to do some soul-searching about automobiles? That means that 10,220 people die annually as a result of a person using a vehicle as a weapon. Using the same logic concerning guns, then I must believe the same logic should be that we need to make it harder for people to obtain cars. It makes sense doesn’t it? One more point: the Virginia Tech mass shooting on April 16, 2007 took place in a gun-free  zone. The only people who didn’t have guns were the law-abiding citizens. However, the criminal did have a gun. Washington D.C. has vied for the top spot as the murder capital of the world on more than one occasion, and yet it has some of the most stringent gun laws in the country. Something doesn’t add up in the logic being used by politicians in their attempts to politicize and prostitute these horrific events for their own political gain.

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