A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jesus Loves Me

God's love for us is obviously extremely important but the benefits begin when we start loving Him. Jesus wept over Jerusalem and loved it and them as a people but they received no benefit of this action because they didn't love God back. Two thieves hung beside Christ on the cross - one went to Hell the other to Paradise - the difference is one loved back the other did not. Jesus loved them both but the one who loved back received the reward. God loving me gives me opportunities but it doesn't change me until I love Him back. 

Just Do It!!

Bible studies are good because studying the Word is a good thing. But, we can't allow it to take the place of simply doing. Seems to be a lot of talk talk talk talk but not much doing. When was the last time you heard "every Monday we are having a PRAYER MEETING" or a day of "FASTING" or "WITNESSING NIGHT" or "LAYING HANDS ON SICK NIGHT" it seems to me that we are ever learning but never truly coming to the Truth. It just seems to me that this American Christianity has become more and more about us and less and less about the lost. Seems like we are holed up in the church building and every now and then we peekaboo around the corner at the devil. We can't witness, heal the sick, cast out devils... and then call a revival a basketball game in the church gymnasium because it got three kids to come play.

Only the Real Please

If the church lost electrical power we would immediately lose instruments... abilities would be severely hampered... but we would use alternatives. Things like candles, wood stove, etc, would be used but things would not be the same. Some similarities would be there but definitely a shadow of things of what it once was. Alternatives are always a step down, so why settle for an alternative when you can have the real thing? See anything of a spiritual parallel here? Another question: what if a generation grew up without ever experiencing the blessings of electricity in the church and have only known the alternatives. They would be satisfied with the alternatives and would think this is the norm. They would learn how to live within the parameters of this confinement thinking there is nothing more. It is our job who have experienced the electrifying power of God to demonstrate to this generation there is more to church than a dead pulpit, prayerless altars, dead worship, lackluster witnessing, no expectation of healing, and no fire!