A spiritual revolution

Obedience to God means disobedience to the devil. Begin your own revolution today by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A response of love

I have no desire to condemn or become judgmental when a person dies even if the person is renown. Whitney Houston died on Feb. 11 and of course we all knew her as a pop icon. What has concerned me is how quick so many ministers of the Gospel are putting her in Heaven. My question is "why?" What gave them the idea that she is? One minister made the inference because she sang "Jesus loves me" at her last concert. I don't believe singing a gospel song is the qualification for heaven. This happens every time (seemingly) when a singer dies everyone jumps blindly on the bandwagon of "they went to heaven" without paying any attention to the fruit of the life. When I put somebody in heaven after they die, I immediately make them a role model. Then, we have to ask the question, is this someone I want my children to pattern their life after? Certainly, Miss Houston was not someone I would want my daughter to pattern her life after. Drugs, alcohol, and a harmful relationship had destroyed her life and singing career. I would think that we would want to hold up people who truly lived a life of purity and holiness and died in that state. We shouldn't be holding up people like Michael Jackson and others who lived life with destructive behaviors full of sin and corruption. Someone will say "they are people that my friends can relate to." That's the problem, they are relating to the wrong people and behaviors and they need to change. I wonder if people related to Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, etc, who would not compromise their morals and did not dress down and try to be hip to relate to culture? The fact is, they changed a world by not changing and becoming like the world. These men left a legacy not of drugs, alcohol, adulterous affairs, partying, pedophilia... but of purity and sound doctrine. Paul wrote that you HAD to come out from among them and be separate. These individuals and those like them today should be who is held up as icons and people we would like for our children to pattern their lives after.

 I am not here writing a diatribe of hate and harboring some kind of glee at thinking she didn't make it to heaven. The contrary is true, my heart is broken every time someone goes into eternity and there is a huge question mark over their life. Why not let it alone and let the life speak for itself? One final point: we as Christians should be careful who we hold in esteem whether in death or life, because there are little eyes who are watching us. Just like a school guard at a cross walk - the kids watch them for signals to protect their lives - how much more should we be careful in looking out for dangerous lifestyles that shouldn't be mimicked by our own kids? Children watch their parents for signals of approval and disapproval, don't let them walk out into the middle of Satan's vehicles of destruction. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

My book is now available...

Can I Trust God?

We live in a world where instability has become the norm, and where so many carry deep hurt from trust that has been broken by family and friends. This life, full of un-kept promises, has left many wondering if anyone can be trusted. Some wonder if even God can be trusted!
They ask, “How can you trust God when tragedies abound, when injustices creep up at every turn, and when prayers for the sick and the downtrodden go unanswered?”
This list of grievances could be endless, but in this book, we will help you learn how to trust God by strengthening your faith and removing all doubts about him. This book is not intended to be an exhaustive study on the subject of God’s sovereignty. Its purpose is to lay the necessary groundwork for building faith and to provide a proper spiritual perspective concerning God’s reasons for the decisions he makes. I believe it will bring some clarity to a misunderstood subject.
This book will answer the following questions:
Does God’s sovereignty mean that he can ignore his own written Word, the Bible?
What does it mean when the Bible says that God’s ways are higher than our ways?
What does it mean when the Bible says that God loved Jacob but hated Esau?
How important was it for earthly kings in the Bible to maintain integrity by not breaking their word? How important is it today?
Is God predictable? Does he base decisions on a whim or on his written Word, the Bible?

You can purchase this book now at the following locations:
